
Had I known; years ago, how easy it was to write and published a children’s book, I would have started a long time ago. Yes! It didn’t take much money or time to have my book published LIVE on Amazon.com. With enough research and trial and error, I was able to have my book LIVE on Amazon KDP in as little as under 1 month. Warning! If you are looking for quick cash, you will be disappointed. It definitely will take hard work and patience.

Check out my eBook on how to Publish your first book with ease! I provide links and make this as painless as possible. 🙂 —> https://payhip.com/b/szSTA

My Book published to Amazon kdp —->


Now let’s talk about the pro and cons of using Amazon vs having your book printed elsewhere; inventory on hand

ProsAmazon kdp

When it comes to your first book, I would advise you to go with Amazon kdp. Its FREE to upload and simple. You don’t have to worry about inventory, packaging and shipping. Amazon will take care all of the hard work for you. Amazon also will take a % from each sale.


Amazon takes a percentage of each sale of your eBook and book. The only down side is, you could sell 50 books and it won’t match all the work you put in. You also won’t receive your royalties until the end of 3rd month (90 days).

Is it worth it? I’d say Yes! Its still takes the pain out of all the shipping and packaging books. Its very exciting to see your sales go up. It will take hard work and consistency to sell hundreds of books. I plan on using it again in the near future.

Inventory- outside printing Con

There are over seas companies you can go with to print your hard cover books. This may be a bit pricey. For one company, I was quoted over $2000 for 500 books. Most printing companies won’t print but a minimum of 500 books. Suppose you don’t sell all those books? Then, you are stuck with hundreds of books collecting dust. If you are able to afford it, you could make a decent profit .


If you are able to price right, you actually could make a nice profit. For example, you price your books at $20 and you’re able to sell all 500 (20x 500=10,000). It could happen. But there’s a chance you may not sell all.

My Choice!

So which one? Again, I will go with Amazon kdp. It was a breeze to upload and I didn’t have to spend anymore money. Before publishing your book, you must consider cost of editing, illustrations, etc . I shared my link and family and friends to make the purchase. I made money while I slept. I didn’t have to worry about shipping ,labels, etc. I will definitely use Amazon for my next book.

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