Discussing death and life insurance with your family is never a comfortable task.

In reality, it can be uncomfortable discussing life insurance, the future and death with loved ones. Let’s face it! We will all have an appointed time to exit this earth. The most important thing you can do right now, is to have a future plan In place for when that time comes. Ask yourself the following questions: ”What will happen to my family when Im gone.” “ Will they have enough to cover funeral costs, burial etc?” “How will they access all of my important assets accounts.” Scary right? With a solid plan In place, your family will be ok.

Life Insurance

In the event of death, families are faced with mourning, preparing for a funeral and trying to access their deceased loved one’s property. Life insurance will be one of the first things to discuss. “ Does he/she have a policy to handle the funeral and help the family?”

Are you still without life insurance? What is holding you back? If you are under the age of 40, I’d suggest you get it while it’s super affordable. The most you’ll be paying is around $20-30 a month. We spend about $20 a month on our favorite habits. Why not put getting life insurance on your to-do-lost TODAY?

Furthermore, find a good licensed agent who can find the perfect insurance benefits that cater to you and your family needs. After you get a policy and add a beneficiary, discuss it with him/her. Let your loved one know the company, contact name, agent,etc. Put your life insurance on auto pay and you won’t even know it’s coming out of your account. Sleep well knowing your family will be secured.

Create a list of all you digital accounts

Now, create a list of all your online accounts. List each account along with passwords, certificates and other verification information. Some social media accounts allow you to make a family member a legacy contact. By making one a legacy contact, that person can look after your account after you’ve passed away. Do you invest and own several stocks, mutual, trusts , retirement, etc? You can make a family member beneficiary of those accounts. Make sure the person you hand your list to is a trusted person and they will keep all personal information in a safe secure space.

Bank account

Does your bank accounts have a beneficiary ? The next time you go to your bank, ask about adding a beneficiary to your account. Supposed you pass away and left $100,000 in the bank. You forgot to add a beneficiary. Several family members feel they are entitled to your money. Instead of mourning, it could turn into a toxic battle. If a deceased has a named beneficiary, that person will get access to the account, but after the probate process ends. If there are no named beneficiary or written will, the probate court will name an executor to manage and distribute funds after all debt of the deceased has been satisfied.

Indeed, having a legal will is the perfect ingredient in securing your loved ones after death. You can lay out everything in writing. It will determine what will happen to your assets, who will care for your kids, real estate, distributing and more should that time come. Check with your state requirements. Every state has different laws and stipulations. In order to make your will legal, it should be signed by testator and properly executed by notary and other witnesses. Start by speaking with a legal professional.

The faster you get this taken, the better you sleep at night knowing all your affairs are in order

In summary, having your affairs in order today, will take a huge worry off of your family. The least you can do , is assure your family that they will be alright when you are no longer here. Keep in mind, as your life changes; family grows, jobs etc, you may need to update insurance, accounts and will. Always stay on top of your priorities.

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