“Life is a journey that has a lot of different paths, but any path you choose use it as your destiny.” – Ryan Leonard

I was always told,”your 20s are your best years. “I disagree! I believe your 20s are for learning. It is your trial and error decade. You are not going to have it all together. You will win some and lose some. Friends will come and go. Relationships might fail. It is all apart of evolving. If there’s one thing that I can say about my 20s; I’d say, “it flew by quickly!” I learned so many things that has helped me to become the woman who I am today. Honestly, I am earning more than I did in my 20s. I’m happy with my career path and goals. I’ve started a couple of businesses and wrote and published 4 Children’s books. I’ve come a long way. Here are some advice I’d give to 20 year old’s to help navigate through their 20s:

Self Love & Acceptance

It is totally okay to be yourself. You do not have to shrink or modify yourself to please others. I see so many young people struggling to fit in and be accepted. Nevertheless, I’ve always moved at my own beat in my 20s. I dressed in what I was comfortable in. Therefore, I wasn’t crazy over the latest fads and trends. I always found a way to stand out and be myself. You will shine brighter when you walk your own path.


Definitely take your time when it comes to dating. Never rush into any situation. Before you choose your partner, make sure that person aligns with your faith, goals and values. Always pray for discernment. If you have a bad feeling about someone, you are probably right. If someone disrespect you once, call it out. If it doesn’t change, that person does not value you. Move along! Remember, whether you’re in a relationship or single, you are important. Don’t obsess over society’s standards. It is okay to not meet every goal before a certain age. You can still find love, build your home and have kids all after 30. Take your time and work on yourself while you are single.

College Isn’t the only PATH To success

In high school, we were all told that college was the way to become successful. Although it is true, it isn’t the ONLY way. Many trade schools offer classes that can lead you down a successful career path. Also, starting a business could make you highly successful. Use your 20s to network. If you want success, hang around successful people; business owners and career folks. Ask a ton of questions. Learn the ins and out of business.


The best thing I did in my 20s, was pick up books and read. I was so interested in learning different topics on finances. While I attended college, I majored and graduated with a degree in Finance. If college is your choice, I encourage you to major in Finance or Accounting; especially blacks. It is not enough blacks interested in these career paths. There are so many high earning jobs if you choose this path. Also, picking up finance books such as; stocks, investments can educate you and help you make great choices with your money. All throughout my 20s, I maintained a credit scores between 750-800. It allowed me to make 2 new car purchases. Each time, I was able to drive off the lot with a brand new car and no down payment. Good credit matters!

Go and Stay Where You’re Valued

My biggest mistake was staying where I no longer was growing. I was holding myself back from many blessings and opportunities. You have to know when it is time to walk away; whether it be a relationship, job or friendship. Dead situations will only keep you in the same place for years. Know When It’s Time To Walk Away! Go where you’ll be loved and valued. Someone will truly appreciate you.

Find Balance

I spent my 20s working so hard and studying in school. Although, I did make some great memories with family and friends, I wish I could have done more. I spent more time in books and working multiple jobs. Make sure you find a work/balance. Life isn’t about just working and paying bills. Enjoy life and relax when you can. Go get check ups, walk, and definitely eat better. Take care of your body. What you do to your body in your 20s, will either produce a positive or negative outcome in your future.

Choose You First

This is important. I’ve always had a big heart. I looked out for everyone around me. I always gave whenever I felt led to. When you are a kind soul and always giving, some people will take advantage of you. I was taken advantage of by “so called friends.” I’ve loaned money and never received it back. I won’t stop being kind and generous. I will definitely be careful with whom I call friend. In My 20s and half of my 30s, I put everyone before me. But I’m definitely putting myself first. Remember, its okay to say NO!!

And finally… Your 20s fly so make it count

To conclude, I’ll leave you with this reality! “One day you’ll be celebrating your 21st birthday-then 25-then,you will blink and be 30.” Your 20s are only a decade(10 years). The time will fly. Build yourself up, focus, stack your money so that you can have a nice place to stay and a dependable car. Do it early. Don’t play around in your 20s. You can literally ruin your life by the company you keep. Only hang with people who will elevate you; not hold you back. Travel! It is a beautiful world out there besides your hometown. Go out and learn about other cultures. Get a passport. Enjoy every moment while you’re building.

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