Move forward

These past 3 years have been trying all across the globe. Millions faced job lost, death, business failure, bankruptcy and so much more. It seems like our lives were flipped upside down. No one really saw it coming. Understand, life was never meant to be easy. We must keep pressing on. Life is truly a test; so many obstacles. You have power to make the most of a new year. Keep positive and surround yourself with good people. Here are 5 ways to elevate this year:

1.Change Your mindset this year

It is time to think positive. We are no longer dwelling on our failures and disappointments in the past. It is behind us. A new year means a new start. Believe this will be a year filled with love, peace and prosperity. You and your family will have more than enough. Your motivation and drive will be higher.

2. Pray. Don’t Be Discouraged

Don’t let your finances discourage you. Millions of Americans have debt to their name. You can’t pay it overnight. So relax! Take it one step at a time. Create a game plan, look at all of your balances and start attacking each one.

3. Inactive accounts MUST Go Most people have so many inactive accounts that are never being used. Think of how much money is coming out of your bank monthly; $15, $20,$10. Consequently, that could add up to a couple of hundreds going to companies. You are literally making these companies rich. Cancel! Use that extra money to pay off debt faster.

4. Pray .Put Your Mental Health 1st

If anyone or anything is affecting your mental, cut it off! It is time to cut ties. You should never stay where you are unhappy and incomplete. Go where you will be loved and welcomed. You will never enjoy life while unhappy. It is so important to develop pray time and read . Spend more time with God. God first.

5. Surround yourself with successful individuals

If you want to elevate, hang around successful people; network, follow positive people. You will see a change in your own habits. Good people bring good results.

Don’t let your debt intimidate you

The average American holds a debt balance of $96,371, according to 2021 Experian data, the latest data available. That’s up 3.9 percent from 2020’s average balance of $92,727, largely due to the rising balance of mortgage and auto loans”

Create a game plan and strategy and take the debt one step at a time. Stay motivated and consistent and you will see results.

In conclusion, make this your best year. Own your peace and enjoy life a little more. Master finding a good work life/family balance. I used to struggle with this. I now make more time for my family and friends.

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