99% of people I meet ask ,”What’s the fastest way to get a big score increase?”

Answer: The absolute fastest way is becoming an authorized user. I’ve suggested clients to do this and many of my clients have seen 80- 100 point increase. That’s a lot. The key is to find someone close to you with Excellent credit :700s and 800s. Ask them to become an authorized user on their card. Convince them you don’t need to have a card or use one. They will just add your name. All of their positive history and other ingredients needed for good credit gets placed on your report. You can piggyback on their credit to build – or restore – your credit history. Now, you have a higher score. 🙂

Secondary Ways to Boost Scores

But there are other ways to increase your score gradually.

Check out my cards .https://creolefinancialsllc.net/credit-building-tools/. Secured cards will come in handy when you are constantly being denied for loan or credit cards. Be advises, you will have to put up your own deposit. Most deposits have a minimum of $200. You must also keep in mind of fees and annual interest rate. Make sure you don’t go over your spending limit and always pay on time.

Self lender is also good tool. I’ve seen clients scores go up a few months after opening the account. Check out Self for yourself. https://www.self.inc/?affil_id=12764840…

Hire A professional

If your credit report contains a ton of negative items, you may need to repair your credit and get it cleaned up. Warning: Credit repair don’t the correct way, does NOT guarantee everything will get deleted. But its definitely worth a shot. Schedule A Free 15 minute call today!


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