I believe the wake of The Pandemic has shifted so many peoples’ mindsets. People are starting to look at life differently. We desire to spend less time chasing material things. Society has taught us that the key to happiness is chasing The American Dream. Unfortunately, many workers have been burned out during these trying times. It is so important to find a work/life balance or you will become very unmotivated with life. I’m at the stage of my life ; where I only want peace of mind. Things I found to be deeply desired in my 20s, are no longer desired in my 30s. Here’s 10 ways I plan on living my life as a minimalist:

1.Less time on my phone I know! I run a few businesses…but I plan on creating schedules and only spending a certain amount of time on my phone and laptop each day. I want to spend more time with myself, family and God. For the past years, I’ve spent the majority of my time on college, career and entrepreneur life. I plan on creating a more healthy work/life balance.

2. More Stricter Budget means better finances I’ll admit I have started budgets and stopped midway. I just couldn’t stick to the script. My goal is to save a % of my wages and invest. In order for me to get out of credit card debt, I will have to do bi weekly budgets. Do what works for you.

3. Forgive Self I have made some bad choices in the past: relationships, finances, life , etc. I’m forgiving myself and moving forward with more wisdom and understanding. I refuse to make the same mistakes twice. In order to have peace, you must forgive yourself and the ones who have hurt you. The Bible instructs us to forgive the ones who has caused harm.

” For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Matthew 6:14

Let it go!

4.Throw It Out Stop holding on to so many useless things. It is hard to focus in so much clutter. I have so many items I no longer remember about nor use. It is time to get rid of stuff. This also goes for people who no longer serve purpose in your life. Get rid of people who are no longer helping you grow.

5. The Simple Life Is Perfect When I was younger ,I thought I had to buy expensive watches, clothes and shoes. I realized many of us are going broke trying to impress others. Think about it! The people we try to impress, barley have their life together. It is ok to live the most basic and simple life. I love the car I drive. It is affordable and great on fuel savings. I’m learning to appreciate where I’m at in life. One day at a time! We are not in competition with anyone. God will place you where you need to be at the right time.

Life is truly what you make of it. Take it easy. Try not to obsess on past mistakes or your journey. Find what brings you peace and stick to it.

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