You’re Not Broke! You Have Poor Money Management Skills. How To Stop Going Paycheck To Paycheck

Some of you make good money that’s considered “livable “. You can live comfortably and not suffer. You’re constantly broke and going pay check to pay check because of your wild spending habits. You are looking at your pay stub but not connecting the dots. Where is your money going? Here are some ways to get more money back into your life:

  1. Create a budget Take a look at your bank statements. Sit down and list each into categorizes. You will now see where most of your money is being spent. You are going to have to take steps to get back on track.
  2. It is time to cut! cut! Start cutting off subscriptions that you do not even think about nor use on the daily basis. You are making a companies richer on your inactive use of subscriptions. You can save a few hundreds by doing this. It works. I have extra money now to carry me until next paycheck. No more over drafting.
  3. Downgrade on your phone bill This is a tough one. Chances are, you’re probably around WIFI most of the time. You can cut your bill in half .You might have slower data but you can always connect to WIFI.
  4. Sell some things There are store that will buy back your gently used clothing. You can also pawn jewelry and appliances for extra cash to put in your pocket
  5. Start a side hustle. Word of Caution: DO NOT put yourself in debt by going crazy with start up cost. Some jobs require minimim cost to start:
    • Blogging
    • Tax Preparer
    • Writing and Publishing Books(my favorite)
    • Amazon Flex Driving, Uber Eats, Waitr,etc ( good pay)You put in the time.
    • College Kids- Sell your books online for extra cash. I used to sell my college books online for couple of hundreds after each semester
  6. Rent a part of your home out- Make sure you trust the person. You could possibly make an extra $300-700 a month ;depending on the size of your home
  7. Use your social media like a Business. Monetize! You will have to put int the work. Post 2-3 times daily. Some people are making hundreds and thousands a month by creating reels and conent. Use your skills
  8. Get extra cash back from shopping online. My 2 favorite cash back site
  9. Fetch Scan receipts and go. You also get 2000 points by referring family and friendd
  10. Create eBooks and courses– Are you knowledgeable and g=have experience? You can create courses and make good money teaching others what you know. This can be a profitable business.

Once you have more money, you will be able to pay off debt much faster. You can also save and invest your money. It is important to have your money tied in investments and do not touch it. Let your money grow. One day you might have an emergency and will be able to obtain your money. Money management is vital in this economy. Think Assets> Liabilities. You need more assets than liabilities. Let’s make 2023 great.

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