
Advice To Younger Self

You ever wish you could go back in time and reassure yourself that things will be fine. No need to stress over the small stuff. When I was younger, I never knew things would start making sense and everything would fall into place. Life experiences will teach you many lessons. If I could go back and tell myself a few things, I would. Here are 10 things I would tell the younger version of myself:

Advice 1.Be yourself. Be different.

It is totally cool to be different. Move at your own beat and do your own thing. I always thought I had to meet society’s standards. It becomes very stressful trying to check off every standard that society has placed on young individuals. It is okay to get married, have children and buy a home after 30 or 40 . You do not have to rush God’s plans. We all are on our own journey. Everyone won’t have the same story. Be cool with letting life be what it will be.

Advice 2. It is okay to start over as many times as you see fit

I was always afraid to start over. For many, it is the fear of the “unknown”. If your business fails, its okay. Re-group and try another opportunity. You don’t like your job? Move into a new career. Your relationship isn’t great? Move on and find someone who will love and treat you better. No need to hang on to things that aren’t helping you grow. Go where you will grow and be great.

Advice 3. You are more than enough.

Never feel like you have to modify yourself or shrink to be accepted. You are enough. You are amazing. You’re perfect the way you are. Embrace it!

Advice 4. Save as soon as you get your first job.

When I received my first paycheck from my first job, I felt like I won the lotto. I splurged as soon as I cashed my check. It became a habit. If I could go back, I would have opened a savings account immediately and start saving at least 10% of my paychecks for emergencies; instead of using credit cards or borrowing from others.

Advice 5. You’re never to young to learn Financial Literacy.

Financial Literacy is cool! It is a MUST to constantly learn. I would have fell in love much earlier. Once I attended college, I was very interested in Finances. I switched my major from Business to Finances and graduated with a degree in Finance. I would have learned investing in stocks earlier, if I knew how fun it was learning techniques. To all of my younger readers: Grab as many finance books as possible and listen to podcast as well. You will learn so much and become more successful in all areas of life. Money management is key!

Advice 6. Life Insurance isn’t just for old folks

When I was younger , I put off on getting life insurance. I thought I didn’t have to worry about it until I got older. I started seeing so many young people passing away with no life insurance. It was very unfortunate. It left families panicking and trying to raise money to cover funeral costs. I’m still glad I was able to get it before the age of 30. Life Insurance has many wealth hacks as well. Find an Insurance Agent and get educated.

Advice 7.Never settle

I would tell myself : “Never settle for a poor job, poor relationship or a poor friendship. Never be a door mat. Do not stay anywhere you’re not loved or appreciated. You deserve 100% satisfaction. There will always be better options. Go where you will grow!”

Advice 8.Pay yourself first

My biggest regret is not paying myself first. After working hard on a job or your business, don’t forget to pay yourself. Cut the check & take care of you.

Advice 9. Be content. You’re up next

I remembered watching family and friends in their winning season and asking God , “What about me?” I had to realize we are all on our own journey. No one will have the same story. Show gratitude and be grateful for all that you have. God knows what you need. Your time will come when everything will fall into place. Just keep improving yourself daily.

Advice 10. Make memories. Your time on earth is non- refundable.

Time is something you can’t get back. Life can’t be 100% work. Make time for your family and friends and enjoy life with a smile. Find a steady work/life balance. Money will return but time won’t.

I hope you found this article interesting. What are some things you would tell your younger self? I can’t wait to read it.

2 thoughts on “10 Pieces of Advice I’d Give My Younger Self”
  1. Great read very encouraging! I would tell my younger self to just be myself and don’t let anyone make me feel like I need to do what they’re doing to fit in. I would also tell my younger self to enjoy where I’m at now..don’t rush being a grown up. Thanks for sharing!

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